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Alphabetic index of definitions of concepts, keywords, and procedures

@ idxitem

@#,@ 7 @#\ 7ii @& 9 @ 7iii @#’ 7iv @* 14 @* (formal semantics) 15, 15ii @+ 14ii @+ (formal semantics) 15iii, 15iv @,@ 7v @, 7vi @#, 7vii @- 14iii, 14iv @- (formal semantics) 15v, 15vi, 15vii @-0.0 6 @... 14v, 14vi @/ 14vii, 14viii @/ (formal semantics) 15viii, 15ix, 15x, 15xi @; 7viii @#; 7ix @< 14ix @<= 14x @= 14xi @=> 14xii @> 14xiii @>= 14xiv @_ 14xv, 14xvi @#‘ 7x @ 7xi

@abs 14xvii @acos 14xviii @and 14xix @angle 14xx @append 14xxi, 14xxii @apply 14xxiii @apply (formal semantics) 15xii, 15xiii, 15xiv, 15xv, 15xvi, 15xvii, 15xviii @argument checking 8 @asin 14xxiv @assert 14xxv @assertion-violation 14xxvi @assignment 4 @atan 14xxvii, 14xxviii

@#b 7xii, 7xiii @backquote 14xxix @begin 14xxx, 14xxxi @begin (formal semantics) 15xix, 15xx, 15xxi @begin0 (formal semantics) 15xxii, 15xxiii, 15xxiv, 15xxv, 15xxvi @binding 4ii, 8ii @binding construct 8iii @body 14xxxii @boolean 4iii @boolean=? 14xxxiii @boolean? 14xxxiv, 14xxxv @bound 8iv

@caar 14xxxvi @cadr 14xxxvii @call 12 @call-with-current-continuation 14xxxviii @call-with-values 14xxxix @call-with-values (formal semantics) 15xxvii, 15xxviii @call/cc 14xl @call/cc (formal semantics) 15xxix @car 14xli @car (formal semantics) 15xxx, 15xxxi @case 14xlii @cdddar 14xliii @cddddr 14xliv @cdr 14xlv @cdr (formal semantics) 15xxxii, 15xxxiii @ceiling 14xlvi @char->integer 14xlvii @char<=? 14xlviii @char<? 14xlix @char=? 14l @char>=? 14li @char>? 14lii @char? 14liii, 14liv @character 4iv, 14lv @code point 14lvi @comment 7xiv, 7xv @complex? 14lvii @cond 14lviii @condition? (formal semantics) 15xxxiv, 15xxxv @cons 14lix @cons (formal semantics) 15xxxvi @consi (formal semantics) 15xxxvii @constant 8v @continuable exception 8vi @continuation 4v @core form 13 @cos 14lx

@#d 7xvi @datum 7xvii, 7xviii @datum value 4vi, 7xix @define 14lxi, 14lxii @define-syntax 14lxiii @definition 4vii, 8vii, 10, 14lxiv, 14lxv, 14lxvi @denominator 14lxvii @derived form 4viii @div 14lxviii @div-and-mod 14lxix @div0 14lxx @div0-and-mod0 14lxxi @dot (formal semantics) 15xxxviii, 15xxxix @dw (formal semantics) 15xl, 15xli @dynamic environment 8viii @dynamic extent 8ix @dynamic-wind 14lxxii @dynamic-wind (formal semantics) 15xlii, 15xliii, 15xliv

@#e 7xx, 7xxi @else 14lxxiii, 14lxxiv @empty list 7xxii, 14lxxv, 14lxxvi, 14lxxvii, 14lxxviii, 14lxxix @eq? 14lxxx @equal? 14lxxxi @equivalence predicate 14lxxxii @eqv? 14lxxxiii @eqv? (formal semantics) 15xlv, 15xlvi, 15xlvii, 15xlviii, 15xlix @error 14lxxxiv @escape procedure 4ix, 14lxxxv @escape sequence 7xxiii @even? 14lxxxvi @exact 6ii, 14lxxxvii @exact 14lxxxviii @exact-integer-sqrt 14lxxxix @exact? 14xc @exactness 6iii @exceptional situation 8x @exp 14xci @export 10ii @expression 4x, 10iii @expt 14xcii @external representation 7xxiv

@#f 7xxv, 14xciii @false 8xi @finite? 14xciv @fixnum 6iv @flonum 6v @floor 14xcv @for-each 14xcvi @form 4xi, 7xxvi

@gcd 14xcvii

@hole 15l @hygienic 12ii

@#i 7xxvii, 7xxviii @identifier 4xii, 7xxix, 7xxx, 8xii @identifier-syntax 14xcviii @if 14xcix, 14c @if (formal semantics) 15li, 15lii @imag-part 14ci @immutable 8xiii @implementation restriction 6vi, 8xiv @import 10iv @import level 10v @improper list 14cii @inexact 6vii, 14ciii @inexact 14civ @inexact? 14cv @infinite? 14cvi @infinity 6viii @instance 10vi @instantiation 10vii @integer object 6ix @integer->char 14cvii @integer-valued? 14cviii @integer? 14cix

@keyword 8xv, 12iii

@lambda 14cx @lambda (formal semantics) 15liii, 15liv, 15lv, 15lvi, 15lvii, 15lviii, 15lix, 15lx @lcm 14cxi @length 14cxii @let 14cxiii, 14cxiv @let* 14cxv @let*-values 14cxvi @let-syntax 14cxvii @let-values 14cxviii @letrec 14cxix @letrec (formal semantics) 15lxi @letrec* 14cxx @letrec* (formal semantics) 15lxii @letrec-syntax 14cxxi @level 10viii @lexeme 7xxxi @library 4xiii, 8xvi, 10ix @library 10x @list 4xiv @list 14cxxii @list (formal semantics) 15lxiii, 15lxiv @list->string 14cxxiii @list->vector 14cxxiv @list-ref 14cxxv @list-tail 14cxxvi @list? 14cxxvii @literal 12iv @location 8xvii @log 14cxxviii, 14cxxix

@macro 4xv, 12v @macro keyword 12vi @macro transformer 12vii, 14cxxx @macro use 12viii @magnitude 14cxxxi @make-polar 14cxxxii @make-rectangular 14cxxxiii @make-string 14cxxxiv, 14cxxxv @make-vector 14cxxxvi, 14cxxxvii @map 14cxxxviii @max 14cxxxix @may 5 @min 14cxl @mod 14cxli @mod0 14cxlii @must 5ii @must be 9ii @must not 5iii @mutable 8xviii

@NaN 6x @nan? 14cxliii @negative infinity 6xi @negative? 14cxliv @not 14cxlv @null (formal semantics) 15lxv, 15lxvi @null? 14cxlvi, 14cxlvii @null? (formal semantics) 15lxvii, 15lxviii @number 4xvi, 6xii @number->string 14cxlviii, 14cxlix, 14cl @number? 14cli, 14clii @numerator 14cliii @numerical types 6xiii

@#o 7xxxii, 7xxxiii @object 4xvii @odd? 14cliv @or 14clv

@pair 4xviii, 14clvi @pair? 14clvii, 14clviii @pair? (formal semantics) 15lxix, 15lxx @pattern variable 14clix @phase 10xi @positive infinity 6xiv @positive? 14clx @predicate 14clxi @prefix notation 4xix @procedure 4xx, 4xxi @procedure call 4xxii, 12ix @procedure? 14clxii, 14clxiii @procedure? (formal semantics) 15lxxi, 15lxxii @proper tail recursion 8xix

@quasiquote 14clxiv @quote 14clxv

@raise 8xx @raise (formal semantics) 15lxxiii @raise-continuable (formal semantics) 15lxxiv @rational-valued? 14clxvi @rational? 14clxvii @rationalize 14clxviii @real-part 14clxix @real-valued? 14clxx @real? 14clxxi @referentially transparent 12x @region 8xxi, 14clxxii, 14clxxiii, 14clxxiv, 14clxxv, 14clxxvi, 14clxxvii, 14clxxviii, 14clxxix @responsibility 8xxii @reverse 14clxxx @(rnrs base (6)) 14clxxxi @round 14clxxxii

@safe libraries 8xxiii @scalar value 14clxxxiii, 14clxxxiv @set! 14clxxxv @set! (formal semantics) 15lxxv, 15lxxvi, 15lxxvii @set-car! (formal semantics) 15lxxviii, 15lxxix @set-cdr! (formal semantics) 15lxxx, 15lxxxi @should 5iv @should not 5v @simplest rational 14clxxxvi @sin 14clxxxvii @special form 4xxiii @splicing 14clxxxviii @sqrt 14clxxxix @standard library 8xxiv @string 4xxiv @string 14cxc @string->list 14cxci @string->number 14cxcii, 14cxciii @string->symbol 14cxciv @string-append 14cxcv @string-copy 14cxcvi @string-for-each 14cxcvii @string-length 14cxcviii @string-ref 14cxcix @string<=? 14cc @string<? 14cci @string=? 14ccii @string>=? 14cciii @string>? 14cciv @string? 14ccv, 14ccvi @subform 4xxv, 7xxxiv @substring 14ccvii @surrogate 14ccviii @symbol 4xxvi, 7xxxv @symbol->string 14ccix @symbol=? 14ccx @symbol? 14ccxi, 14ccxii @syntactic abstraction 12xi @syntactic datum 4xxvii, 7xxxvi, 7xxxvii @syntactic keyword 4xxviii, 7xxxviii, 8xxv, 12xii @syntax violation 8xxvi @syntax-rules 14ccxiii

@#t 7xxxix, 14ccxiv @tail call 8xxvii, 14ccxv @tail context 8xxviii @tan 14ccxvi @throw (formal semantics) 15lxxxii @top-level program 4xxix, 8xxix, 11 @transformer 12xiii, 14ccxvii @true 8xxx, 14ccxviii, 14ccxix @truncate 14ccxx @type 14ccxxi

@unbound 8xxxi, 12xiv @Unicode 14ccxxii @Unicode scalar value 14ccxxiii @unquote 14ccxxiv @unquote-splicing 14ccxxv @unspecified behavior 8xxxii @unspecified values 8xxxiii

@valid indices 14ccxxvi, 14ccxxvii @values 14ccxxviii @values (formal semantics) 15lxxxiii, 15lxxxiv, 15lxxxv, 15lxxxvi, 15lxxxvii, 15lxxxviii, 15lxxxix, 15xc, 15xci @variable 4xxx, 7xl, 8xxxiv, 12xv @vector 4xxxi @vector 14ccxxix @vector->list 14ccxxx @vector-fill! 14ccxxxi @vector-for-each 14ccxxxii @vector-length 14ccxxxiii @vector-map 14ccxxxiv @vector-ref 14ccxxxv @vector-set! 14ccxxxvi @vector? 14ccxxxvii, 14ccxxxviii @visit 10xii @visiting 10xiii

@whitespace 7xli @with-exception-handler (formal semantics) 15xcii, 15xciii, 15xciv, 15xcv

@#x 7xlii, 7xliii

@zero? 14ccxxxix