14. January 2017

Splitting Industria

Recently a friend lent me the book Start With Why by Simon Sinek. It made a lot of sense to me and made me look at my own projects in a new light. The Industria libraries is a set of libraries for R6RS Scheme that do, well, quite a few different things. There’s cryptography, compression, a few network protocols, various things, but also an assembler and a few disassemblers. It has many things, but it doesn’t truly have a “why”.


23. December 2016

Automated Testing of Zabavno

I had already been programming for twenty years before I started my current project at Ericsson. During my time in the project I’ve come to really appreciate a few things that were new to me, like Continuous Integration (CI) and automated testing. I recently setup CI for Zabavno on GitHub with a new test case generator and immediately found bugs.


10. December 2016

AI for the Columns Game

In the early part of the 1990’s there was a Windows game that I was playing on my father’s computer. I remember it quite fondly and recently found it in the Internet Archive. The game was Jewel Master by Peter Siamidis and it can be played online. I didn’t know it at the time, but it’s apparently a clone of a Sega game called Columns. Go figure. Even though I enjoyed it quite a lot I wasn’t quite good at it, and I’ve wondered what a good player would do. After my previous success with coded crosswords, I decided to give AI another go.


23. November 2016

Make Test Inputs with Prolog

A while back I wrote a parser for R6RS Scheme numbers, or the string->number procedure. Numbers in Scheme are somewhat sophisticated and can be written in some surprising variations and I wanted some test inputs for verifying that the parser doesn’t crash on valid inputs. Luckily, the number syntax is specified in such a way that a Prolog program easily can be written that generates test inputs.
